Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or other matters that we may assist you with. Main Telephone

(714) 633-0011




U. S. Mail

Chapman Global Medical Center
2601 East Chapman Ave.
Orange, CA 92869
  • To inquire about or apply for job opportunities, go to Careers.


2601 East Chapman Ave.
Orange, CA 92869

Phone: 714-633-0011
View Map
Department Extension
Administration 1104
Admissions 1117
Discharge Planning 1129
Emergency Room 1390
Food and Nutrition Services 1185
Hospital Operator 0
Human Resources 1474
Medical Records 1160
Volunteer Services 1444
Neurosurgical Services 714-633-2220
Nursing Stations

Senior Mental Health

Medical/Surgical Unit (2nd floor) 1503
Intensive Care Unit 1380
Outpatient Surgery 1311
Positive Achievement Center 1301
Sub Acute Unit 1343
Surgery Department 1310
Pain Management 1378

For the above internal extensions, simply dial the four digit number.

Local calls are free. To make a local telephone call, please press “9” before dialing the number. Patients may call outside the hospital anytime; however, calls are only put through to your room between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM daily.

Hospital Programs Telephone
Bloodless Medicine and Surgery (800) 970-9470
Business Office (800) 270-0702
Center for Senior Mental Health (714) 633-0011 ext. 1221
Chapman Center for Obesity (714) 744-7100
Chapman Spine and Orthopedic Institute (714) 639-3780
Positive Achievement Center (800) 337-2966
Southern California Center for Neuroscience and Spine (714) 633-2220